No filter yet. I am also a translator, therefore internet is an important source. I can't work without it, I have McAfee. This feels a bit adventerous, like driving without my safety belt. I might die and it would be a nice way out. Hm, maybe not so nice, a way out in any case.
Addiction is "only" here because of my frustration when it comes to work and the work ethics. I must battle myself through these feelings of anguish, fear and frustration that arise at work. Without this pain agent or when I overcome this pain, I am free and happy. Would you believe that? Can man live and smile even though in pain? Can he win the Tour the France even with cancer? Hm, quitting lasts forever ? “Man can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air, but only for one second without hope”.
There is hope at the end of the tunnel, I might walk an hour or a week, maybe even a month or a year, but i will not quit, I may rest, yes, but I will not quit.
Frumfiend, I don't want to tell my wife, I will not. She knows on a different plane already - she would most certainly leave me, if I went too far, fall to deep. I am not in control, Hashem is. If He wants, I will live. I want to give her happiness. Please Hashem, may it be Your will, that I need not tell her. With time there is nothing to tell, exept to show that is possible to smile even when in pain. A little bit of light in this world...
I have been thinking about the moon much. I don't know anything about its influence, there is a start I think. To explain my behavior. I am the way that I am, influenced by nature, made by nature, but I am to act unnaturaly. The long short way is deffinetly a path to overcome the natural way - the wish to survive.
But to that, for sure, one must understand the forces of nature. Today is different than yesterday, the moon and sun do not shine in the same way! Do we as people understand that? Or do we think, that we are to act the same positive way like every day?
Today the moon in virgo, the sun in capricorn. Ok, now what. Well I have a stomach ache, but also I find it easer to work today. Hm, a good thing. I guess it is virgo, or is it me, taking advantage of natures forces! Still I have to be careful what I eat. :
Sorry, I hope I don't offend anyone with my words. It was not my intention, I wish all the best!
P.S. Lance Armstrong is a Virgo, here a quote: ““Anything is possible. You can be told that you have a 90-percent chance or a 50-percent chance or a 1-percent chance, but you have to believe, and you have to fight.””