I have to report that I slipped :'( And I am so afraid and shaking all over, I want to light a cigarette, and I haven't smoked in ages.
I am having a rough day at work, full of problems and nothing is working like it should. The worst thing is that I want to get some job done, but in order to get there, I have to do many other jobs first (just to "clean" my table). And the software is not working properly.... Oy weh.
What did I do.
I typed in some shmutz, then backed off. I don't know seconds, darn this might be a fall. I can't get my act together.
This is been going on the whole day, these thoughts arise in my head, then I take my little paper out and start praying. Then I wrote the paper again, printed it out, went to the bathroom to read on the twelwe steps. Man it's tough today, I get up pray, only to sit down in anguish from all the problems.
Hey, I know, these problems are minor, anyone could solve them I guess, but to me, they so darn hard. It's like a cloud is over me today. I was fine yesterday, I am so sorry.
I am able to lower my look on the street, I am able to pray and ask Hashem, I came so far, tonight I got up twice with my wife, I made lunch in the morning, did the ironing in the morning, went to work, did some good things, but it's not right and it lead now to this darn slipp.