To whom it may concern:
Motzei Shabbos, ironically, has always been tough for me when it comes to this addiction. Many a m"s, somehow my wife and I found it appropriate to rent or watch a movie. The movies were always "clean", b"H my wife is very pure and prudish.
However, after she went to sleep, I would always stay up for awhile and search for pictures of the female lead and proceed to do all that my addiction carries me to do.
So, in an effort to fill that void and follow in the footsteps of some of our great leaders; Dov, Briut, Bards, etc. I have decided to try and write a piece of Torah on this thread every m"s...or in the vernacular of those trying to beat addiction...let me take this one m"s at a time
The Meor V'shemesh writes just such a beautiful idea in reference to birchas kohanim. The Torah tells us; "Vayidaber Hashem el Moshe leimor daber el Aharon...ko sivorchu es b'nei Yisroel..." The meforshim explain each time the Torah uses the word vayidaber instead of vayomer. Yet here, both expressions are used first the "dibur" to Moshe and then the "leimor" to Aharon.
R' Klonimus Kalman of Krakow explains fabulously a special lesson for me and I'm sure many other addicts who have searched for proper Rabbinic guidance.
By first using the expression "dibur" the Torah is asking us to actually focus on the switch to "leimor" to emphasise that when speaking "halacha" it is dibur, strict, but when speaking about this mitzvah, there is an aspect of "leimor" or compassion. Because when it comes to blessing others the one who blesses must have "this trait of pure love for his fellow Jew. A love so strong that one soul is connected to the other, one heart connection to the Jew or poor Jew...lowly Jew or lowliest Jew the one providing the blessing MUST have this trait and with that trait he will be capable of awakening the compassion and kindness straight from the source of all blessing...HaKadosh Baruch Hu."
I have been looking for a Rebbi who can do this. If you have found him, please let me know.
May all of you be zoche one day to find a Rebbi who is capable of blessing you in this way!
Hashem is with all of us.
Love you guys!