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Awakening the Rage
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TOPIC: Awakening the Rage 7535 Views

Re: Awakening the Rage 19 Apr 2010 15:44 #61886

  • the.guard
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Rage ATM wrote on 19 Apr 2010 14:20:

so one of the things i really need to work on is being less concerned and focused about me, me, me, ME!!...i know all the hardcore sa-ers talk about how the addiction breeds on selfishness and being a budding sa-er i guess i need to take that seriously...i dont feel like i expect much from other people...id rather everyone just leave me alone...still, i feel like maybe that feeling of wnting to be left alone by the whole world is a sort of selfishness in itself...so where to start on becoming less selfish???

I suggest reading the first e-mail on this page (#551), where Dov helped me understand this concept.
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
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Re: Awakening the Rage 19 Apr 2010 17:08 #61916

  • Dov
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bardichev wrote on 19 Apr 2010 14:37:

I want to answer your quetion

I will ask you to keep an open mind

It is either just as flakey or less flakey than SA

Here goes:

A great way to become less self centered

Join a chassidishe shteeble

What bards you are kookey and you have your personal agenda

Rage I asked you to keep an open mind!

Chassidus is based on a few factors
One of them is being part of a group that works together on a common goal which is to serve Hashem thru happiness and get emotionally connected to G-d

It is almost in every group f chssidim that the group has its allegiance to a Rebbe

The chassidim accept him as their common   leader that they all feel an affinitty and a subserviance to

That creates brotherhood and common good will within this close knit group

Because the group shares common values and each one feels like family they coose to give of their time energy talents and of course food and drinks (usually alcoholic) with anothewr

All this is to set the stage and foster an eviroment where they can collectively serve good thru elevated emotion and in a happy state of mind in order to reach greater planes of serving Hashem

While being part of a group one acts selfless for we is on the constant lookout on how he can help his comrade
From a cup of coffe to a wise piece of advice to a few bucks in his fellow mans pocket

Also time is to be spent in a common house called a shteeble where the chassidim spend in formal prayer and in informal meals dancing talmud sessions and immersing in the mikveh

A chassid really gives from himself and the result is an elevated selfless jew

Yea there are many myths and stereotypes and it seems from the outside that the group is backward weird and un-intelligent

This is the furthest from the truth


One, this man has guts.

Two, he is right, of course.

Three, there are others eitzos, but this one is the only one where you get to have Woodford, a warm bath, and dance, almost simultaneously!
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
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Re: Awakening the Rage 19 Apr 2010 19:33 #61931

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 697 days
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Ah Bardichev, that was nice! At least there's still one chasid left on this planet that truly understands what Chassidus is all about!!!

P.S. But what if Rage is from a sephardi family, or from Teiman? You gonna make him into a chassid? No chance, unless he becomes a Na Nach. Oh, That would be sweet.  :D
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
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Re: Awakening the Rage 19 Apr 2010 19:37 #61933

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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You haven't met the Teimonim that the Satmar chasidim brought over to the US of A. They settled mostly in Monsey & Monroe. They dress in the Satmar hats & lange recklach. They are only distinguishable by their skin color and tightly curled peyos.
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Re: Awakening the Rage 19 Apr 2010 20:10 #61943

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Rage ATM wrote on 19 Apr 2010 20:04:

still remain the quazi hareidi punk rockin far left liberal kahanist you all know and hate

Should we call some of those Chasidim to start yelling: "SHAY-GETZ AROISSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!"?    :D
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Re: Awakening the Rage 19 Apr 2010 21:14 #61950

  • bardichev
Rage and yosef

Please let's keep this conversation in perspective

I wanted to only say a way to be selfless in a fun and in a program is chassidus

I didn't say which chassidus I only said a shteeble is a good program

There are many ways to be selfless

It can be your shul your kids school

It can a should be in your own home.

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Re: Awakening the Rage 19 Apr 2010 21:18 #61951

  • the.guard
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Rage ATM wrote on 19 Apr 2010 20:21:

guardureyes wrote on 19 Apr 2010 19:33:

unless he becomes a Na Nach. Oh, That would be sweet.  :D

i can definately do breslov...whats not to love? music, vodka, 420, and Woodstock in the ukraine once a year...where do i sign up??

Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
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Re: Awakening the Rage 19 Apr 2010 22:34 #61974

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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bardichev wrote on 19 Apr 2010 21:14:

Rage and yosef

Please let's keep this conversation in perspective

I wanted to only say a way to be selfless in a fun and in a program is chassidus

I didn't say which chassidus I only said a shteeble is a good program

There are many ways to be selfless

It can be your shul your kids school

It can a should be in your own home.

and I was referring to this comment from Rage:

Rage ATM wrote on 19 Apr 2010 20:04:

still remain the quazi hareidi punk rockin far left liberal kahanist you all know and hate

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Re: Awakening the Rage 20 Apr 2010 16:30 #62067

  • Dov
  • Administrator
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You guys are all a bunch of fruitcakes.

I love you.
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
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Re: Awakening the Rage 20 Apr 2010 16:46 #62072

  • bardichev
dov wrote on 20 Apr 2010 16:30:

You guys are all a bunch of fruitcakes.

I love you.


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Re: Awakening the Rage 20 Apr 2010 17:59 #62087

  • Dov
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Bob. My favorite line of his was "when you ain't got nuthin', you've got nuthin' to lose"...uh-oh, I think that was actually the screaming woman, joplin....sorry bob.
Anyway, if you look in the pirush of the Maharal on the hagadah you'll find that same yesod in his explanation of "lechem Oni" and the korbal pesach...I love it.
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
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Re: Awakening the Rage 20 Apr 2010 21:00 #62123

  • Dov
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gee, thanks, rage. I remembered it ten minutes later in an elevator at work. Nice lyrics, no? But are you sure that Bob wrote it? Maybe it was really Joan B? Forget it. Anyway, how about quoting the Maharal, next time?
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
Last Edit: 20 Apr 2010 21:21 by .

Re: Awakening the Rage 20 Apr 2010 21:18 #62127

  • bardichev
Chochma bagoyim taamin

Counselor u know where I am!!

Have me in your prayers

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Re: Awakening the Rage 21 Apr 2010 02:50 #62193

  • Dov
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Dear Dr Frankenstein,  (pronounced "steen", of course)

Maharal (if I understood him right) explains in his hagadah that the "simplicity" idea goes pretty far in the message of Pesach. It's in the number of simplicity, 1: one year old kid/lamb, roasting it whole and not breaking it's bones so we keep it whole (not making it like two), not leaving the house (the group of eaters are 1), wearing white (simplicity), etc. he goes on to say it's all about Lechem Oni - the bread of poverty. There are two aspects to poverty: one is that you need everything. That feels horrible. But the other aspect is your freedom: nothing to lose, cuz you've got nothing. Every yeshiva bochur (except for the ones who use hair mousse) and Buddhist understands this just fine (except for the ones that sell prayer rolls on the corner on 42nd street and go home to their upper west-side apt's, I guess). Maybe the biggest miracle of pesach is that a Jew can appreciate it!  :

OK, so it's GYE and we have to bring the message home. If an addict is really, really lucky, he gets the **** kicked out of him by his disease, by his own insanity. That helps him finally get his priorities straight, and live by the motto, "First Things First". The day he starts to change his mind and feel like "ich been shoin a mentch", he gets his hindparts kicked again, if he's lucky, because the flipside of feeling like he's "got madreigas now", is having the right to use lust again. If he's anything like any of the addicts I know, he will soon discover that it's not working so well...

The poverty of power leads to to growing in dependence on a Higher Power.
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
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Re: Awakening the Rage 21 Apr 2010 14:52 #62267

  • DovInIsrael
ok - enough chitter-chatter...

did you buy the box of AMWAY soap at the SA meeting , yet?

(I figure if they are going to rope you in - they might as well get you for everything too)

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