bardichev, your children are blessed with a TATTY who is building himself into a powerhouse of wisdom and strength through hard work. There is nothing more worthy of pride.
I’d like to go back to what dov wrote in reply #86:
London wrote it beautifully and I'd like to express what I believe he is saying a little differently. For me,the progressive victory over lust is actually the easier part. Bottom-line sobriety, I believe, is much harder.
I think I understand what he means, let me try to explain. Sobriety depends on avoiding the FIRST drink, not the last. You are not sober if you merely avoid porn and masturbation (the “bottom line”), you’re sober if you don’t take the first look (ie. drink). Work on sobriety, and staying clean will follow.
I found a huge chizuk in this and it has helped me answer a question that has been bothering me lately…why do I feel like I’m going backwards even though I remain clean? The answer is because, as we’ve agreed despite not knowing the reason, over time, as you continue to stay clean, your tolerance for lust becomes less and less. More and more situations become triggers. In your quest for avoiding the first look you will naturally make tighter and tighter guidelines to avoid lust. Because that’s how it works, it’s NATURAL to feel like you’re going backwards. I wasn’t tempted by this yesterday, why am I tempted today? Am I slipping. NO! You’re not slipping, you’re IMPROVING. And as a result, your tolerance level has declined so that you’re now tempted by a formerly “innocent” trigger.
I think this thread should be framed, and it probably is in Shomayim.