silentbattle wrote on 18 Jan 2010 01:45:
dov wrote on 17 Jan 2010 19:19:
Hopefully, we will watch our language.....
:D :D :D
Kollel Guy wrote on 17 Jan 2010 22:14:
LOL R' Dov, but I don't think we will consider any unsanitary speech while standing before the BD shel maalah. They have a very strict policy regarding contempt of court.
Actually, KG - there a re a lot of gemaras, etc. that imply that whatever level we attain here, we take with us into the next world - risha'aim, even in the world of truth, at the gates of hell, still don't do teshuva.
So, scary as it is, it's quite possible that if we don't watch our language here, we'll get upstairs, and...oh, my, that migth be a tad embarrassing...
Good call, Silent Battle, a famous example of that is in Brachos where this girl who died at a young age tells a living person in a dream to send her comb and makeup with so and so who is about to die.... clearly in the next world we have no hair, no need for combs and makeup, but once a person only cared about their physical appearance in this world, they can't change it in the next despite the clear knowledge that it is hevel havalim
(My rebbi said there was a dybbuk in the time of the Chofetz Chaim who was cursing and talking in the most dirty way. He showed enormous deference to the Chofetz Chaim who got it out. The Chofetz Chaim asked it why it keeps talking dirty after it knows the emess of the world, and it said it simply can't stop)
Here is the scary thing... if we don't beat our YH in this world, we will spend out eternity lusting after the same things we lusted after here, but in a world where the busha of doing so is unimaginable!!!!
The alternative of course is to grab a glazel of Woodford, and join the good fight!!!