Rebbeinu Reb Dov, Shlita,
This reminds me of a play written by our drama teacher in High School. It was about a playwright standing at a podium at the edge of the stage before the curtain, reveling in the control he has over the characters in his script who move about and speak on the stage behind him with every stroke of his pen, according to his willy nilly thoughts. But Lo! ONE of the characters starts getting self aware, realizes he is being manipulated, and REBELS against this unseen force controlling his life. The author reads aloud as he pens the direction "exit stage left", and all the characters do so, except this one, who defiantly yells out "I know you want me to exit stage left, but I CHOOSE my own destiny! I refuse to be manpulated without knowing the reason! Therefore I CHOOSE to exit stage RIGHT!!" and off he goes defiantly the other way!
The playwright looks astounded, paused, then turns to the audience, and with a knowing smirk says:
"He may choose WHICH WAY to go, but I choose WHERE he goes, and WHAT HE FINDS when he gets there!
This is SUCH a FANTASTIC moshul about life in this world, and how our bechira works. The difference is, of course, that WE KNOW that HKBH is benevolent and always chooses what's good for us, with a plan that is very righteous, and not on an egotistical whim like a melech bosar v'dom.
Have a GREAT VOCH!!!!