Heres a big part of my struggles that I haven't shared with anyone till last night when I opened up to my dear friend about, it felt so validating and his response was true that I feel like i must post here also.
In the past 36 days I changed so much, I haven't used unfiltered internet, no social media, no porn, no going live, all major accomplishments.
There's one thing that may seem minor compared to that list but bothered me to no end.
Over the years I fell so much in my relationship to Hashem that Davening became so hard for me, either I didn't daven at all, if I did it was only for a few minutes, and for days and days I didn't even put on tefillin at all.
For me I always felt that Kedusha issues were equal for all men, so I accepted the fact that I struggled cuz that's how Hashem made us. But not wanting to daven I didn't understand why it was so hard. I'm so ashamed to even write it, wracked with guilt. Why cant i daven?? Even making brachos became hard.
Finally last night I texted my dear friend, I opened up in tears to him, and he explained it so well.
Deep down my brain was telling me that I cant daven cuz I did so many aveiros, how can someone like me be close to Hashem? And the same way I'm still ashamed to talk to my friends even though they know my secrets, so too with Hashem I was ashamed to open up to him and talk to him cuz he knows what I've done. He knows I'm fake...
But the truth is that yes of course Hashem knows everything, and he loves me and understands that I'm not trying to be moired in him only I have misdirected tayvos and all he wants is to connect to him, and try to help and love ourselves and get better in all areas of our life.
I also read in TBOTG that Its obvious that Hashem doesn't want us to fail and gave us these impossible nisyonos to 'get us'.
No, he loves us and wants me to succeed and of course I can still be close with him even if for many years I felt so far away.
Now I understand why even though for years I felt such an aversion to davening. Always any singing part of davening I got very emotional even in my worst times. Cuz when we sing we don't feel like were talking to Hashem, just our raw emotion. Also davening Hallel we could just sing to him thank you for all the good he does for us without focusing on our bad, cuz in my warped view I felt that even though Hashem doesn't want my davening but he still wants my Hodaa.
Now I understand myself a little better I hope to work on it further, and I could proudly put on my tefillin knowing that Hashem loves me so dearly!