Hello human
it seems like we have the same struggle ( like everyone else on this forum) and about the same age I am a bit younger but married for 5 years and have 3 kids, clean for the same amount of days and I work alone on a computer and when I have worries about parnasa and the responsibilities that I need to get to that’s when I turn to lust, first it starts with just wasting time on clean sites then to next and next and before I know I cannot control myself and cannot stop, there is a voice within in me that tells me to stop but I have zero control.
what has helped me get thru this week is talking to someone everyday, I am in contact of someone who is sober for 10 years and he is guiding me ( temporally sponsor ), I even went to a SA meeting ( I cried in the parking lot but I was on the phone with my sponsor and I forced myself in) I really feel the 12 step program is the only way out, I started to read the book and it is amazing I am really starting to get to know myself and I see a brighter future ( please Hashem I surrender my yaitzer harah you deal with….) One thing I learned so far is to stay away ( even in your head) from anything that will trigger your desires, it is not only the internet it is what you see and think about before hand, it can be little things but they turn out big.
typically when I got to the supermarket and public places my eyes and mind start to wander around, I look at magazine covers, advertisements other women etc and there is a party going on in my head… these are triggers for me, normally when I am doing good and sober ( for 1-3 days if I am lucky) I would just push away the thought, fight it… yesterday when I walked in to the store and naturally I was going to give a glips here and there, I right away called my sponsor we talked about and then I told myself I don’t need so in a very calmly away I did not give in I did not let those fantasias build up in my head.
bottom line is we need to hear from others and TALK to others and get it out…, in till now we tried on our own we did not talk about it we were stuck in our own box… we made shevos and shmuos, learn musar, kabbalah chasidut, made lchaim, you name it we tried it all.
keep up the great work and they say one day at a time, you can do it we can do, do not give up, do not wait till Feb to start with chaim duvids calls, start now, you may have a voice in your head saying, wait another month once you really start then you will stop, DON’T GIVE UP, YOU ARE NOT ALONE
from my office :-* ( i hope that is not a trigger to anyone