lionfree wrote on 01 Apr 2024 00:40:
Has there ever been anyone in the history of humanity who was able to resist all form of unhealthy sexual behavior and never failing. Sometimes I feel like I am holding myself to an impossible standards. Like I said humans are sexual beings. And G-d probably put this bug inside of us as a way to test us. א
solid Q,
the answer might very well be NO, i dont know, who cares!
the idea is to be a
warrior and fight the battle,
thats what makes a jew great,
the idea is
not to ever fail, thats
not gods plan.
NEVER FAILING, is not in the jewish vocabulary
as far as i know there were only 3 people in history that have never sinned.
who can say "ראשית אוני" no one! that was said on the בכיר שבאבות יעקב אבינו
lets keep on being
sexual beings, just as god made us, he made us just perfectly right,
sexual behavior is what makes us
sexual behavior is what makes us
sexual behavior is what connects us with our other half, and makes us into a אדם השלם
lionfree, keep on growing!
love you!