fall, 2 times! honesty hurts
But I once again got the realization that what I want to be, is a gadol beyisrael. What i want to do is learn, day night day, and during everything. What I don't want, is to be who I am. And I can't change myself unless I do all 12 steps.
So for my first trick, I will retype-without copy/paste all 12 steps, and in my own words.
1. I am powerless to try stopping my behavure. I cannot 'find a ratzon' or hear divrei chizuk, and then simply stay clean. Even if it works, I'm merely an addict on vacation I did that once, and it lasted 7 months. But i am back here. One day I may be that 'top bachur with big payos" being escorted to a hearing for some sex-related crime. It will be my picture on the front of every newspaper in the world. I will make such a big chilul hashem, that even gehenom will not let me in! My family will dis-own me, and my wife will demand a get. My children's lives will be shattered, and i will be left to brood in prison, a victim to the horrors of prison life, crime, and violence. I will be beaten, threatened, cut, and mauled by the filth of american prisons. I will have to rewrite sefer Iyov. And therefor I must stop looking at these things, before they consume me! I must stop, even if I desire to continue. I will do what I don't want to.
2. Bechol Yom Yitzro Shel Adam Misgaber Alav, umivakeish Lahameeso, VeIlmalei Hakadosh Baruch Hu ozro, aino Yuchal Lo! It doesn't say "Lehachtio" no it says lehorgo. And G-D himself must step-in to save our skin. R tzaddok explains the zohar in parshas noach. That when the zohar says that there is no teshuva for this aveira, that means that the only way to do teshuva is by putting it in hashems hands. Tatty save me from the Y"H!!
3. Focus on each individual nissayon, one at a time. And weigh how this will break the kesher I have with hashem. How will this drag me farther away from kedusha? how menutak will i feel after doing this? OK, and then how will I feel if I don't do it? OK now let's make a choice, how would I like to feel? hmmmm not such a hard question. Every single nissayon instills within me a level of kedusha exual to all the tumah that went into that Y"H. And since B"H there is so much, time, creativity, artistic talent, editing, graphix, acting, driving, and trillions of dollars going into my Y"H, so I get a schar equal to ALL of that! Whywouldn't I overcome it. I should do it as a zchus for someone!
4. A little bit of cheshbon Hanefesh. WHo am I? no realy.... cmon, be alittle more truthfull. A what addict? you can't stop what-ing? How often? Hmmm that isn;t normal is it? Why are you such a menuval? why such a perv? because I'm a porn-addict.
5. it sounds like step 5 is viduy bipeh, and thus called teshiva. but what they dpn't know, is that this must come together with step 1 called charata lesheavar. HEy where is the kabala Leatid? ha ha ha I forgot that I do that after every fall - sad humor
6.Bracing myself to let hakadosh baruch hu help me. Pischu Li Pesach Kechudo shel machat. Hamekadesh es atzmo milmata, mekadshim oso milmalah.
7. Tefillah, for Hashem to help me not be choteh in these areas
8. Make a list of how this addiction, my time spent on GYE included, harms my family, and how I never get anything done on time as a result. Also including a detailed description of how I reacted impropperly as a direct result of this.
9. make it up to them, make the bonds that our relationship never had
10. Take a daily cheshbon hanefesh, before going to bed. Be mochel everybody, and be modeh to my shortcomings. yes what i did WAS wrong
11. I'm realy stumped as to how this relates to addictions, but essentialy SLAA holds we all gotta work on our avodas hashem, simply put. I guess that all the spiritualy starved peoples out there are all porn junkies, and there shows a great trend of sobriety among the emesdik ovdim (catholic preists excluded)
12. "Having a spiritual awakening as a result of these steps" sorry but I can't help not making fun of these weirdos. Cmon religion is supposed to make sence. Yiddishleit is real, and applicable, and not a load of fluffy mush! Basicly once your'e clean, and doing well. Enjoy the aliya and shteig away. And use the oppertunity to help other people
13. Midas harachamim
14.comes after 13
15. scan a handwritten letter, and email it to GUARD thanking him for this site.