Day #8.
My main area of struggle is when I try to get work done--school work, take home from job, other responsibilities--at night. I am exhausted and not motivated. I end up sitting in front of my computer and procrastinating with everything that I don't want to do. That usually leads to me looking at pornography and masturbating and not getting any work done that I had intended to. It finally hit me tonight. ממה נפשך, the entirety of the work will still be left over for tomorrow morning. I decided, that's it. I'm capping my computer usage at 10:30. If I still have work to do, it's not like I would get it done anyway after 10:30.
I will be finished with most of this after hours work in two weeks from tonight, but I don't want to wait for another two weeks to get myself together.
The only time we have is right now.