Day 23
Came back from my trip tired and then had to deal with kids after work since my wife works late. I'm sorry to say it was not parenting at its best at all. My upset feelings at myself compounded with stress at work did not make for a good night's sleep and I had a little trouble getting out of bed but did in the end (Vehkam's Modeh Ani advice helps as well).
I was trying to gather my thoughts a bit in my Cheshbon Hanefesh "diary" but was feeling a bit depressed and was thinking of skipping shul and davening at home. At this point I tried to ask myself what Hashem would want me to do, but I felt like I couldn't answer. I know for myself that this is usually a bit of a warning sign that I may be falling into a rut so I decided to exercise. There wasn't time to go for a run so I did about 100 jumping jacks, got the blood flowing and felt a lot better.
Was then able to "access" what Hashem would want me to do...and I felt he wanted me to go to shul so I did
As far as work, what I find works for me is that even if I feel stressed, just thinking that Hashem wouldn't want me to feel stressed (I guess because of Bitachon) helps even if I don't fully address the underlying cause. Writing those words down helps even more.
Kids were also better in the morning and I was reminded of what an adam gadol said to me when I was discussing difficulties with my kids. He said kids can change very much from day to day and one day you can think your kids need to go to therapy and the next they seem completely normal. Never a dull moment as a parent
One day at a time and apologies for the stream of consciousness sentences.