1 month clean and 90 cumulative days clean! These past couple of days were a bit difficult, but BH I was able to keep a clear head and let the cravings pass. I think my next step will be to start talking with a GYE mentor over the phone 1-on-1. I've been putting off doing that because I haven't felt like I've had the energy, but I need to break through that barrier (looking at you HHM
). I'm a bit scared of failure now that I've gotten to a bit of a better place, so I'm going to write out a couple of encouraging ideas here that I've seen elsewhere in the forum.
HHM has said frequently that there is no physical buildup overtime when we refrain from taiva. That's a pretty incredible idea! There isn't a growing mountain of desire based on physical necessity that we need to increasingly struggle with. In that regard day 1 and day 31 are the same, and if I can make it from day 1 to day 2 I can certainly make it from day 31 to 32 just as easily.
Another idea I saw was from Avrohom. He mentioned that we can simultaneously hold in mind two perspectives: on the one hand this is a daily path. We must take it a day at a time. On the other hand, we must know that we will succeed and ultimately be free. That is incredible motivating! It is itself a freeing experience to know that, with Hashem's help, I (and iyH each of us) will eventually succeed and come to live a life of kedusha.
Thank you all for your continued guidance!