23 Friday
First time I forgot to update my log.
I was running around like a mishigineh before Shabbos.
So in short, I didn't even have the opportunity to think about falling.
24 Shabbos kodesh Bishalach
Ate with my fancy shancy uncle in fancy shmancy hotel, got 2 bottles of nice booze....
Fri night was great, learnt after meal and felt Jewish for a change...(The new positive KG usually doesn't say those things, but there are exceptions occasionally.)
Shabbos morning... well I didn't come late, but I could have gotten up earlier, probably should have too...
Over Shabbos I had some bad thoughts.
Had to talk to someone on motzei, who stirred up very bad memories.
But overall I'm doing ok.
I'm so happy I'm 24 days clean, even though I feel bad things coming my way.