Hey-up, Kollel Dude.
I'm on short-post duty 2day, so I'll be brief -
I really feel for you. Take it from the King of the LazyBones, the Prince of Procrastinators:
It's all about RESENTMENT and FEAR. Resentment over having someone else tell you what to do, wives, Rabbeim, even HKB"H. And the FEAR of either not SUCCEEDING if you try, or not FEELING the feeling you think you're supposed to feel (like kavanna at tefilla or geshmak from your learning).
But if you know you're in a burning building, and you're not sure if you can get out, you're still gonna try, CUZ YOU MUST OR YOU'LL DIE. There is no point in being philosophical. You know inside what has to be done, and where you have to go.
JUST GET THE HECK OUT OF WHERE YOU ARE AND GET TO WHERE YOU SHOULD BE. Don't worry about what other people think, what they're gonna ask when they finally see you. WHO CARES? JUST GET OUT OF THE FIRE!!! Start from now. Don't look back. Kol Hascholosh Kashos is EVERY DAY.
OK, now I"M gonna stop pushing off MY work. See ya later at the water cooler.