it's been mentioned before...if you're thinking about other things, that helps, because you don't even consider what else is happening. Pick something to review, or think more deeply about.
Actually...R' Yeruchum discusses this I allowed to post R' Yeruchum's on your thread?
When Yackov and Eisav were still inside Rivka, and so when Rivka passed a beis medrash, Yackov would try to get out, and when she passed a beis avodah zarah, eisav would try to get out. But what does that mean? How did they know where they were? It seems astonishing.
But we need to realize that spirituality is real - in fact, realer than the physical world around us. Travelers use a compass, which always points north - no matter which way you turn it. it'll always spin around and face north. The same is true of spirituality - to the extent that we're connected to kedusha, we'll be drawn to kedusha. And that's why yackov struggled to get out - he felt himself drawn, on the deepest level, to what Rivka was passing - as clearly as a compass pointing north.
Then he says the part which relates to us most clearly - When we walk down the street, it's like we're constantly being pulled by ropes - we look this way, then that way, and it seems like random glancing. R' Yeruchum says that no - we're being pulled by the things we have connection to.
We need to fight those connections, and focus on our internal world. On the things we want to connect to - that's why for me, if I can, thinking in learning is great, or listening to a shiur.
Have a great shabbos!