Phillip wrote on 12 Mar 2009 20:41:
Thank you YH for your message. You now showed how much more there is for me to improve. And I except it whole heartedly. I will try to work on the way I sleep and all the other areas that you wrote to avoid having further wet dreams. The truth is that it is so true about the last part on the yetser hara creeping in when one has a wet dream. Because every time I have one that same day is harder than the other days since the yh remins me of how it feels when it comes out. Yes I am married but it feels different when it comes during intimacy.
Phillip, I am glad to see you took my words to heart. But what gives me great joy (and you should have greater joy) is the fact that that you just realized something about yourself. Self-realization is an exhilarating experience and necessary for personal growth. You took what I said and applied it to yourself. I look forward to the time that YOU help me realize something about myself.
We should all be zoche to continue inspiring each other and helping each other grow each in our own way.