Hashem tells us, His beloved children, ״I created the yeitzer hora; I created Torah as its antidote, ״ (Kiddushin, 30b). The Mesilas Yesharim observes that if Torah is the remedy which Hashem prescribed, then that’s final. Success will not be possible without it. Torah learning releases profound powers, sheltering the learner from sin. The more involvement in Torah learning, the higher the level of protection .
Anyone, anywhere need only draw out the appropriate tool to deal with the present nisayon. We Yidden always have the powerful weapon of tefillah available in our arsenal. When feeling overwhelmed by the yeitzer hora, we can plead to Hashem in our own heartfelt words to save us, His beloved children, from this monstrous attacker. Help may not arrive that very instant, but we need to keep on davening. It feels like a compelling force of demonic proportions, but Hashem can save us from undesired pleasure.
Let’s remember that Hashem wants to help us more than we want to be helped. And when we contemplate the nisyonos that bombard our brethren the world over, no doubt we will have them in mind in our tefillos, too.
Rav Yitzchok Silberstein heard from the Taharas Hakodesh that simply turning one’s eyes away from the unsuitable welcomes in the Shechina. This person’s essence now comes close to Hashem, so to speak. Utilize this golden moment of eis ratzon and whisper a tefillah for all the things one wants in life. This is hinted at in the words, ישועת השם כהרף עין - The help of Hashem comes swiftly like the blink of an eye.
Now at the climax of our history, ushering in the Mashiach era, Hashem wants to present us with the full force of 50 levels of kedusha. We are therefore witness today to an entirely new ball game. Permission has been granted to the denizens of the netherworld to thrust a final fling of the 50th level of pritzus full force into our faces. After Matan Torah, with the Torah as our arsenal, we are able to tackle every last bit of the fight – until we vanquish the reign of evil. With our souls fortified with Torah, we are capable of reaching and receiving the zenith of kedusha.
Now we’re on the last lap of our journey, amidst the ever-quickening pace of Ikvesa D’Meshicha. We hear an unprecedented note of urgency – the corollary being that whoever lets themselves be swayed, even if they survived and succeeded in climbing up the previous rungs, will be caught and trapped by the 50th degree of impurity. But whoever is determined to combat the mighty pull of the dragnet is thereby hacking down the imprisoning walls of tumah and developing great stamina in the process.
This continues until the moment when our spiritually powerful arms will pry open the gates for Mashiach to arrive amidst the full 50 degrees of our hard-earned kedusha.