גוט וואך
Day 70. Didn't see that one coming! Awesome!
I wanted to write something that I have been thinking about over the past weeks. I wrote in one of my early posts how I--from a young age--have been conditioned to sit in front of a screen, tune out, and watch. Television, video games, internet. All of it and a lot of it.
I didn't grow up with the same values that I have now and when I went to yeshiva, I accepted--superficially--that those mediums of entertainment are forbidden. Waste of time. Unholy. While in yeshiva, in an environment that was 24/7 Torah study, I was able to conform to that way of life and spend my entire life in the beis medrash. When I went to kollel and certainly now in my years post-kollel, when and where I am not in a 24/7 Torah study situation, I had an internalized need to turn back to the resources of entertainment of my youth. The value of no TV and internet may be a great value and I truly believe in it to a large extent, but it was not working with my experience. I didn't realize this truth.
When I got a laptop, I blocked everything. Why should a ben Torah like me have any of that stuff on my machine? Problem is, I still had a habit to spend downtime sitting and watching in front of a screen. I would use my wife's machine--just because that is what I always did--and then inevitably, the other part of what I always did came up, pornography and "pleasuring myself."
Presenting myself with no option other than to learn Torah did not do well for me at home. Since I started GYE in January, I have relaxed and expanded the possibilities. I have access to some forms of entertainment on my computer which has an excellent pornography filter. I have no reason or need to ever use my wife's machine. Am I learning less? Yes. But I have also gone 70 days! I have a ways to go in my spiritual life. I would like to spend more of my free time in holier pursuits. That is true for me. However, I have made leaps and bounds in one area. 70 Days!
Thank you for reading and thanks to all who post replies and thank yous.