Fightingaddictionnow wrote on 22 Jan 2020 12:04:
Hi everyone!
First joined gye 6 years ago. Had my ups and downs, then broke free and had a really good year+ of staying clean! Been a slippery slope for a while now and got back in a rut.
I've resolved to stop again and I've logged back on here to get some chizuk, read some of my own advice I wrote years ago, and track my journey. It's been about a month but I didn't make an exact note of my first clean day, so I've put the beginning of the calendar year as my start. Almost a third of the way to 90 days!
Starting this thread to keep track, feel free to drop a comment with some chizuk or advice! Thanks gye for being here - let's do this together!
(sorry for the duplicate post)
One piece of advice: you can only get to 90, one day at a time
we are all here to cheer you on your road to success with Hashem's help...
please keep up posted on your progress.
I'll add some words of chizzuk...
חזק חזק ונתחזק
The path for growth is small steps. We can explain that this is hinted
at in the three expressions of chizuk. The first is, ויתחזק... וישב על המטה , to sit up. Then there's standing up, as we do when we say, חזק חזק ונתחזק . And Dovid HaMelech told Shlomo, ,וחזקת.. ללכת בדרכיו
"Make yourself strong…to go in His ways." This hints to the gradual growth
of sitting up, standing up, and then walking. Similarly, we should seek to
grow by taking small steps at a time.
Rebbe Aharon Chernobyler
zt'l taught the meaning of
חזק חזק ונתחזק If a person strengthens himself once and then he fails, and he strengthens himself a second time, and he fails again. He keeps on trying and the result will be,
ונתחזק Hashem will
help him succeed.