Day 47 I’m taking this opportunity of halfway of the 90 day journey to recap and share what can hopefully help you too.
Its not the first time I’m at this point, but I feel like this time is different. I’ve proven to myself I don’t need to do certain things and over time the desire has down tremendously.
The 3 most important tools that truly helped me was going on this forum, a 3 x daily regimen of inspiration Morning, afternoon, and night. And just getting back up after a fall.
I watch the boost in morning, a vid from R Schafer in the afternoon, and an article at night. This kept my number priority constantly on mind especially during the first couple months of this fight.
If you believe you can’t get past this, I did and so can you. I went from 7 days clean than 10 and than a month and slowly proved myself how life is possible without certain things.
When you fall get up and move on - don’t think about till you 2 days clean, than you’ll go back and regret it. Learn to understand how the 3 days in between when you were clean still count even though you fell afterwards.
Exercise everyday, make yourself a busy schedule and a “go to thing” when the desire overtakes you.
You could get over this if you fight long enough, it will take a few months it’s not easy, but it’s possible I promise you.
Never ever give up, it’s the yetzer hara’s way of taking one thing you did wrong and turning it into 5.
One day at a time, let everyone see your “days” go up, and start your own thread. Just start writing don’t over think it.