You right to think this way. One of the big issues with this "epidemic" is that we don't sympathize with the fact that the woman are real people. This can lead us down a dark road and lose respect for the entire gender all together (sisters, cousins, wives). But you've got the right idea.
About the "dual existence", i felt the same way. I have a shame tov b''h from my family, and I've built one up myself. Doing well in shir, being nice to a friend, learning for a long time, helping my mom with dishes... and then going right back to "falling", i didn't know what to with myself. I convinced myself that "my falling self" was my "real self". Over the coarse of my getting to 90 days (6 days away), i learned that not only is "my falling self" not my "real self", its not even part of me. Its just an extension of my reaction to stress, boredom, and sleep deprivation. After coming to this realization (that its not part of me), only then was i able to truly believe that i can leave it behind, and truly become free
Hope this helped. May we all have chizuk and reach our goals while getting closer to Hashem "bisimcha". Have an amazing Chanuka!!