Well said bgit! I can definitely identify with the not hitting bottom (yet?) problem, and I was also wondering how essential it is to recovery. From what I understood from Dov, no concepts (Torah or otherwise) time (like yom kippur) or family (getting married, pretty wife etc) can effectively stop us in the long run. Only life-changing events (hitting bottom?) can. Fortunately (or should I say sadly?) I haven't reached that point yet. But for me, it being isser per se isn't a drive either. If I would see an online lushen horah recovery group, I can bet you I would not sing up anytime soon; although I know that it's usser (and has many many issurim involved, as the chufetzchaim mentions in his hakdama. Whereas masturbation per se is at its best an issur med'rabunun). So is wanting to have a better relationship with my wife what drives me here? Nah. I wouldn't go in such length for her and give up something so dear and part of my being as of yet. I doubt many people will. Is it a recent yom kippur kabbalah? also not. So what is it???
But somehow, I feel that masturbating inherently feels wrong. There's hardly any avirah that has so much guilt attached even after repeating it so many times than masturbating. And it's not even the act itself, for I never felt any guilt whatsoever after having relationship with my wife. Somehow, sex with myself feels so wrong, and sex with my wife feels so right and good (although not as fulfilling, but that's another issue). This is a natrual response, and has nothing to do with my belief system (although if you really believe it's okay, you can fight the guilt and it will gradually disappear, but that is not to say that guilt wasn't there). missing zman kr"sh or tefila never feels so bad.
B'h, in the last two years my relationship with Hashem has constantly been improving. My Emunah is much stronger, mu betuchen has improved tremendously, I talk to him almost every day. The closer we get, the more I feel that being close to him and watching porn and masturbating don't go together. It is probably the one thing that is the most opposite of being close to hashem (far more than any other aviarh, as I mentioned earlier).
So I would say that the guilt, relationship with Hashem, and the mere fact that as much as I try to stop, it just won't work (which rings like addiction, although I'm still not sure if I am one). Is that a good enough force? I guess time will tell. But somehow I feel that a close relationship with HaShem is a stronger drive than say, a relationship with my wife. I am not talking about the mere fact that I'm a jew and it's usser, rather about a strong personal relationship directly with Hashem.
Anyways bgit, have a great day, and may we be matzliach to stay clean for TODAY!