Another day of being clean and sober. I must tell you last night was a reminder of how little things can become amplified. SO before I continue I must say first off my wife was amazing during this little mishap last night. Not to go into much detail but I had a disk for work that held most of my important documents to help many people, plus help myself. I went to look up the contents of the disk and they were gone. 2 years of work GONE!! So, I have to admit I flipped out some. I was very upset. During the whole time my wife tried everything she knew how to do to get the contents off the disk for me. We didn’t succeed. It took up a ton of time and into family time as well. I have to fully admit in front of G-d and everyone here, at points I was nasty to everyone that was in that house last night. I ended up having some time to myself last night after the whole thing happened. And I realized that this is such a little thing to happen, why get so upset about it? I can’t change what happened.
I ended up apologizing to my wife last night. It is a shame I lost so much data and I was stupid for not backing it up to another disk. But in a way, G-d last night reminded me that for being mad is not worth it. I was so stressed and tense, in the past I would have acted out for sure. In this case, I had not one thought in my head to act out, which I felt was a huge personal success for me. I was tested by something that surely would have done bad things to me in the past but this time it didn’t. I finished my day yesterday by thanking G-d for the good and the bad of life. It turns out that in my mind the journey I am taking on being a better person is at least working. I still was mad and upset at the situation, but I am human. I had a chance last night to really blow all the work I have done. I did not blow it. I stood up and was a grown up after an explosion.
No slips or falls, non needed or wanted. Lastly, today I want to say I love you, my wonderful special wife.