Day 83 of being clean and sober. I started this thought process yesterday and it has continued to today. First off, I did my normal routine this morning and am having a beautiful day. It is a great day G-d has granted me to live. I look at my life and ponder, what was I thinking? I look at my life now and I realize I was holding onto something that was not necessary. It was a complete and total waste of time. I look at where I am now and I am not proud. I am living positively, like G-d created us to be. Do we do things we are not supposed? Of course, that is why we are human. However, it’s how we react to what we do wrong that leads us to be better people. I am an addict. I am a person that is seeking to be better. Does it take time and honest introspection, certainly. But most importantly it take something we all are doing here.
It takes teamwork. It takes as sailors say, Heave Ho. They pull together for a greater good. I can say I am doing good or I can say, I am this or that. And yes we do have to work on ourselves internally. But we are here in a group working on ourselves. Maybe someone says something that leads us to discover something else regarding ourselves. Our entire being is in need of something greater then just self. We all here every time we post we are doing something greater then ourselves. We are lead to the act of selflessness. I equate us to a team. Everyone on a team, is needed for it to succeed. However, in this case individual success leads and inspires other to keep going on there journey. I am inspired on by an incredible team. Every team has jokers, every team has strong players and weaker ones. If we look at this as a team that has individual success that leads to team success is very important. I feel I am part of a team. I know if I read eye’s thread and he keeps counting, his personal success leads me to be inspired more. So the team is better off if we all work and pull for each other. I understand that we can’t post in everyone’s thread but if work and help out people by writing in our own honestly we will get far. Some of us are better at getting around, SB and IT25 I notice always are posting in lots of threads. Our own threads are the most important or should be most important to us as far as our growth. I am strong believer to keep going back and read your own thread. It shows you and teaches yourself about you. Our growth is just like a plants growth, without water it will not live. Without others here to help, we would be that plant.
G-d leads us on this path. I would be remiss if I did not say it so, a positive outlook helps a lot. We all have good and bad. I look at it that the good is good and the bad needs to be changed positively. I will not let my addiction run my life. G-d and I are in charge of my brain. I think we are doing pretty well so far without having what I used to have. In fact I am better. I have a deeper relationship with G-d, my wife, my kids, friends, family and most important my relationship with myself is better. A special note today I must add, my wife doesn’t know or maybe she does but I love her more and more each day. (Had to put that in there.)
No slips or falls, non needed or wanted. Also, one other note for today, thank you on GYE. Anyone that has ever posted in a thread of mine or answered me in someone elses thread. You make GYE special to me!!