Day 55 of being clean and sober. I am having a pretty great day so far. Another day for MM. My first thought this morning when I woke up after I did my normal routine was to remind myself of how stupid I was yesterday for making a dumb, insensitive comment to my wife. I know she is still probably unhappy with what I said but I know we will work on it and all will end up fine in the end. A good little bump in the marriage. I made a mistake and how I and my wife get out of that mistake is something I believe will make us stronger. I am really working towards being selfless. I know that the true great people in this world have always been selfless.
I have been keeping up with something eye has been talking about. Do we have a computer addiction? And I really think that the computer has wonderful tools on it. It also has some bad, very bad things on it. I don’t know if I am addicted to the computer, but I know I am addicted to where the bad things lead to. I am addicted to playing chess on my computer, No. Am I addicted to email for work, No. So I am starting to think that its not the computer or gateway to all that is bad for me. I am addicted to a very specific item that you can get through on the computer.
I am working little by little at letting G-d make my choices for me. I had a huge problem at work yesterday that I knew the company that I work for had a day to figure out. I was speaking to a coworker and realized that if we do something one way, we hurt our company, if we do it how we want to do it, we hurt the customer and could lose them. I said, let me sleep on it and we will figure it out in the morning. Well, this morning came and all of a sudden it was very clear, after talking to G-d about it on my drive to work, there was a wonderful solution. Compromise was the right way to go. I swear G-d told me exactly what to say. It was like I was having an out of body experience. (It was very cool.)
One other thought that I guess will be followed by me tomorrow because I really need to ponder this one, is how great friends can be. How they make you stronger and how in true fashion can help you in times of being scared, nervous, and sad?
No slips of falls, non needed or wanted. I WILL WIN THE BATTLES AND THE WAR-WITH G-D’S HELP!!!