Day 46 of being clean and sober. I did my morning routine and everything seems OK today. Very late last night, I was discussing my addiction and almost fall with my wife. After talking to her I realize that I have not even completed step 1. It hurts to admit that but I have not. I am not powerless but only empowered not to do it. I don’t want to go backwards. I had an incident that was very eye opening and when we discussed it we talked about where was I really in my recovery. I had thought I was further along and that’s OK that I am not. I understand I am not even done with Step 1. Yes, I have changed my attitude, changed the way I live and have given almost everything to G-d, but not all of it or all of me. I have been to stubborn to do so. The conversation was very hard to hear. However, it was another wonderful thing that has happened to me. My wife understand me better then I understand myself. I have not given up full and total control. I am not sure how to give it up, but I know after talking to her I must. I am riding a slippery slope if I don’t.
I know the part of step 1, to say my life was unmanageable, is surely admitted and have worked on a lot. I have not worked on powerless enough. I must take me out of the equitation to be fully powerless.
I am much closer to G-d, but I have not taken all of me and said, here you go. I have spent every second I have been alone today thinking about this. I know this has to be an internal move of heart, mind and soul to give it up. I know I am trying to and eventually will. I am disappointed in myself because I thought I had. I do not want to fall or slip and I know I need to do more to not have any potential to go down a road I do not want to go. I guess you can say, it is like going down a road with heavy construction,. If you don’t follow the signs eventually a wreck will happen.
I am truly upset and disappointed. G-d has put me on this part of a road for a reason. I am scared of myself. I am thankful I am where I am, but with baby steps I need to get further then I am now. I have been put in my place. Sometimes thinking you are confident is a very bad thing. I ride a road that is not new to the world, but is new to me. Selflessness is something I need to achieve on this road. Powerless I am not yet. The road is paved with many who have gone before me and many that go up the road only to crash.
G-d must help me not be one that crashes. I am closer to him, but obviously not close enough. I must remind myself that to get down on oneself is not good either. I must dust off this vessel and continue onward and moving towards the right turns and right forks. I must stop beating myself up for not being where I thought I was and move forward.
I must work the steps, work at being a better person, work on G-d and my relationship, work on my marriage and work most importantly slowly. I know I will not be powerless in 5 minutes just because I want to be powerless. I must go further then ever before to become powerless. Now I know that, before I did not and I for one am so happy that this has changed for me.
To myself, I accept the challenge of step one. Don’t be too hard on myself,. If I don’t, the road I will go is dangerous and hurtful. It’s all in my body to become powerless so I need to find it.
G-d give me the power to be powerless.
A renewed internal journey begins. I thank my wife for opening these eyes and truly finding the understanding to help me. G-d you are great and thank you for your unconditional love and patience. In my mind I know I can do this, powerless here I come. I don’t know how long it will take me but I know I can do it. I must continue to love, laugh and live. I AM AN ADDICT BUT I AM WORKING ON MY RECOVERY! No slips or falls, non needed or wanted.