Day 41 of being clean and sober. I woke up and did my morning routine and today I feel great. I learned something very early this morning about myself. G-d can help you but when you have a decision to make, it's up to you to get it done. I let myself this morning think about how to get to a new level as a person. In the decision I had to make this morning left me on the wrong side of it. But I guess that is what being selfless is. Making calls on you life and knowing that in the end you did something that helped someone else more then yourself. Although, now thinking about it, I have done what G-d wanted me to do. It's better to be truthful to yourself and G-d then to let someone else suffer.
I worked yesterday on me. I felt it was time to start to deal with my youth and how innocence was taken from me early on. I stood up and said to myself, this was not your fault. My family member should have known better. I gave all the hurt to G-d yesterday and said I don't want it anymore. I am an adult now and can face life without holding on to being a victim. I was told by my wife, do you want to be a victim or a survivor? SURVIVOR IS THE ONLY WAY TO GO!!!!! If I am going to survive I need lots of support. But I made the right choice. I want to live, laugh, and love. This was a huge step for me to do this. Again, more weight is off my shoulders and I understand that keeping your head up and above the water is better then drowning in sorrow.
Lastly, for anyone who read Day 40 on my journey, my wife read it yesterday. She was taken back by my post. She told me she was proud of me and felt that I was working hard on me/us. She helps inspire me to keep up the good fight and to stay on the right path. Understanding that this is not a race, it's a long journey.
I was thinking about one of my kids this morning, he is 2. He is a rather large, tall, child. He has a story longer then mine and he is only 2. Born early fought for life and made it, (thanks to G-d) he is a two year old that has much trouble walking. I watched him walk last night, I understood, if he does not start walking slow he can't do it. He's getting there. I think all the little things he has accomplished and doesn't even realize he has done those amazing things. My journey, is not unlike his to where he is now. Baby steps are where it all begins. Take it slow and steady and all will work out in the long run!!! No slips or falls, non needed or wanted.