Wow, guys, you are just amazing!! I feel like I'm back at an NCSY KumzitZ, sittin' on the floor in a circle, arms over shoulders with eachother, swayin' back & forth, singin': "Aren't you GLAD you use Dial...(Don't you wish EVERYBODY did?!" :D :D :D ;D
OK, OL and Haba, Here's the deal - like Haba said, let's follow Duvid Chaim's lead and keep LOOKING FORWARD! Keep the positive approach. Let's work it one day at a time, together. Unfortunately, being in Nu Joisey I'm on a 7 hour delay from both of you, so I'm gonna be playing catch-up a lot to your shaklah v'taryah, and sometimes u might not see my Friday posts till after Shabbos, but I'll bli neder be there. I also don't post much from home, as there is little privacy. But if you need me, CALL OUT for me on my thread, or send me a PM, and ulai HKB"H will arrange that I see it when you need me to.
OL, if one of us C"V falls, each of us will reach out to encourage and strengthen, and help the other back onto the horse. NO DEPRESSION ALLOWED. Do you think you learned to walk as a baby without a few trips? But when you as a baby fell, did you cry AND GIVE UP, or feel GREAT about how far you walked without holding on? And didn't you pick yourself right up again, determined to keep going? OF COURSE YOU DID!! This is what Guard, GYE, and the program stress all the time: IT'S ALL ABOUT ATTITUDE, and it's about PROGRESS, not perfection.
Yesterday's countdown began at 10, 9, 8... Today we're at 11, 10, 9.
Where are you two posting your daily chesed? Let's get 1 or 2 in before Shabbos, shall we?