Hi everyone I havent posted on here for almost two months. I'm letting you know that these past 2 months have been great. I have remained clean, and am on day 57 atm. Baruch Hashem my mentor showed me what I'm capable of, he enthused me and boosted my self confidence, this filled me with simcha. This simcha has enabled me to continue to remain steadfast in my conviction to complete 90 days, and a lifetime.
One tip which I daven everyday for certain people to get, is the gift of self-confidence; knowing that Yes I've got it, I can do anything! This stops depression and lets the best come out of a person.
This past week has been very difficult for me. Baruch Hashem and Bli Ayin Hora; Hashem didn't let me fall.
I wish everyone on this system the upmost success in all their endeavors!