jack, my dear brother,
30 days?! wow! that is truly amazing. Someone who has overcome his yetzer hara for a full month, should be giving me hints, and not asking for hints from me! However, since you asked,i will say my piece. :-)
YOU are Hashem's warrior, and he is looking down upon you and saying "Jack, is one of my main men! I will give him extra Siyata D'Shmaya to persevere"
Now, the Yetzer hara sees all this, and he is itching a lot more than you to get you to masturbate.
So, my dear Jack, who will you side with? The Yetzer Hara, who is on his last straw and who will very soon be slaughtered forever?
Or Hashem, who was, is, and will always be the most powerful, omnipotent, kind and compassionate father to us?
It's really a no-brainer jack, and you know it better than anyone!
Jack: L'Chaim! To a year of prosperity, fulfillment and love and fear of Hashem.
Please post back here in two days, telling me that you have made it to day 32, as 32 is equivalent to LEV- HEART, and it is a big milestone to serve Hashem with your whole heart (as it says in Krias Shema) and maintain your Bris Kodesh on day 32.
Go Jack Go! We are all rooting for you.
(If that didnt help, refer to the selichos of today regarding Gehinom. Hint: It is better to avoid that place like the plague! the itchiness there is a lot worse and unmanageable!)
Chazak V'Ematz!