i am so upset at myself. i had a fall today. i had been clean for 42 days, and things were going so great for me. and coming out of yom kippur no less. i finally felt close to teshuva, finally life was making sense, and i screwed it all up in so many ways. after trying for so long, my wife is pregnant, and my child could have been born with me being clean since he/she was conceived, but i screwed it up. i wasted so much, for nothing. i was having so much trouble all day, and i finally gave in and caved completely. the day after yom kippur. i feel like the lowest of the low. succos wont be the same, my life wont be, such a wasted opportunity, and i cant change it. i would do anything to go back, i thought i was finally on track. and its all gone for nothing.