RebbeNisht wrote on 11 Oct 2011 11:24:
Thanks for all the great comments and support, guys. It's reassuring to know I am not in this fight alone.
My pact with my friend has worked wonders and has stopped me falling at least 5 times. Notably when my wife went out 2 evenings - normally that would have been the perfect opportunity to fall, but I managed to do something else.
I've read various sections of the handbook- too much to take in in one sitting.
One thing I read bothered my friend and I greatly. If we understand it correctly, does Tool 10 (The TaPhSiC method) advocate making Shevuos in Hashem's name? I believe the book suggests finding a balance between 'Something we know will hurt, but something we know we can keep' - but we think this is playing with fire. I dont want to repeat what the Gemorah says about Avon Nedorim. I've made a few in the past, in the heat of the post-falling moment, and have come to strongly regret them...the desire has caused me to break them. I reckon a lot of other people could also make that mistake.
It's a shame IMO because I felt that the rest of the Tool 10, uptil that point, was really excellent and I identified and agreed with it all. Any clarification welcome.
I don't use them either but I don't see such a problem. The shavuous that are generally are problematic are those in which a person says I will never do X again. If the X is something that he tried stopping umpteen hundred times, the shavua is quite risky. On the other hand the handbook has to suggestionsto avoid this problem. First, it suggests making a shavua which says I will not do X unless I do Y first and if I don't do Y then I will give $300 to tzeddakah. It may be painful to give the $300 but it is not something that is unbearable and therefore not too hard that a person can't keep to it. The second qualification is not to make a shavua that for the next year, for the rest of my life I will not do X unless I do Y. After paying $300 a day for 365 days it can break anyone. But we all can hold back for a day or two maybe even a week. So you start small, a day, two days, and then you keep on renewing it. If you come to "strongly regret" it you stop or modify it.
But do what works for you. Continued hatzlacha.