holy Yid! What an inspiring post!
For any addict, these thoughts are a turn on (that's why I removed them) - but it's 100% normal. For a few days, one particular thought may plague you... after a while it goes away. Then another thought pops in to plague you... These are fallen klippos that are begging to be uplifted. And with your holy dancing and brachos, these fallen "love" and "lust" are being uplifted straight to Hashem - who is the source of all good and all pleasure and all desire and all love and all beauty and all and all and all....!
When you find yourself being turned on by bad thoughts, think to yourself how our entire life could be ended by a thin piece of metal slitting though the throat. So how could these feelings and desires we feel be real, if life is so futile, fleeting and fake? And yet the thoughts we feel are so powerful! That can only mean that they come from somehwere high up - somewhere that is eternal. These are "fallen" desires, sparks of holiness, yearning for G-d, that have fallen to the depths of the Klippos. When we turn our hearts to Hashem, we uplift these fallen sparks. We need not tell ourselves that the love and lust we feel is false. Rather it is true and real - but NOT the way our brains (that could be cut off from existence in an instant) see it, but rather, it is our souls calling out for closeness to Hashem, to the eternal source of all good. Our brains are just messing up the signals. So if you feel a powerful urge, a powerful love or lust, don't say "ICH" - rather say "Hashem, that love belongs to YOU! It comes from YOU! And it is my soul yearning for YOU!