aneinihashem wrote on 16 Jun 2023 15:37:
i was thinking recently how i keep seeing in gye stories
'when i was 15' I first discovered porn,i see it over and over again,
heres my question;
how can we build the next generation ?
what were mistakes that can be avoided ?
what advice can we offer singles in shidduchim?
what advice can we give for marriage?
what can the bnos yisorel learn?
what can be improved?
would love to hear your thoughts?
how can we build the next generation ?
We can't build the generation but each of us can build ourselves and our families with more love and openness.
what were mistakes that can be avoided ?
one big mistake is not giving kids proper education on this topic and an open door to come to discuss things whenever needed
what advice can we offer singles in shidduchim?
Be honest with yourself if you're ready for shidduchim and if you're not sure, reach out for help.
When we stray after our eyes, we connect back to all the bad images of the past and thereby reawaken unrealistic expectations. But the human brain is very elastic, it quickly learns and adapts. The sooner we learn to guard our eyes properly, the quicker the fantasies and expectations from the past will fade away.
what advice can we give for marriage?
Our job in life is to learn how to change our motivations and switch over from selfish inward thinking to outward thinking. We need to learn to develop a real love and concern for the other person, a love built on giving.
what can the bnos yisorel learn?
I'll focus on the men's side...
what can be improved?
is this still a question??