No! You're put on this world to become the best YOU that you can be! Whatever you do in life, if it's done with all your best, you will have achieved greatness. I think it's a common error to assume that only those that become famous, and "live the life" are considered to be successful in life. This is so untrue! You're measured not based on what everyone else may be, but rather what you can be. You have so much potential, it's unfathomable! You can do whatever you want to do if you put your spirit in it. You can do anything in life! You want ultimate greatness? Become the best that YOU can be, and the satisfaction that will result will be ultimate greatness, because then yiu will have achieved it. It's all a matter of mind set. You can do it! Forget what everyone else is happy with! You're not happy with mediocrity? Great! You have what it takes to go places, and accomplish things. Scared? Of what? Of becoming the best YOU that you can be?! We can all achieve ultimate greatness, but it takes working on.