Stress and discontent (among other things) are what drive us to seek out our preferred drug, be it porn or mastubation or whatnot. when those little voices go off in my head saying, "oh, poor me, i did/did not get this or the other thing and i really need it, the wife/boss/friend made a funny-face at me/insulted me, i have too little money/time/kids/cars/houses/ears whatever... why not go for some relaxation and get some much deserved pleasure..."
that is the voice of addiction, the voice of the yetzer hara, whatever you prefer to call it.
trying to sell me a medication that guarantees that i will never finish the prescription, with life-long refills.
lusting will not make me happy, relaxed or feel accomplished. it will destroy my spark of life and turn me into a shell. a spent shell. it will destroy my connection to Hashem, my wife, my kids, my friends and last but not least, to GYE
so if i feel stressed, i at least am aware of the fact and know that i need to keep safe and not vent by taking poison. some may prefer kickboxing. some may prefer jogging, origami, or making some new cholint recipe.