In the past, when I looked things up on the internet I was exposed to improper images and when I saw it was getting out of hand I made a few kabalos that kept me out of most of the trouble.
1. Don't look up anything out of curiosity, meaning that I have to have targeted constructive information I am looking for before going onto the internet. ("Don't look up something recreational" might be the right substitute for some people).
2. Don't go into news sites except for (Everyone can adjust this to what they see is right for them).
3. Don't go into social websites.
4. If a site has Google ads go out immediately and don't return. (This effectively blocked me from most of Youtube because I couldn't usually predict which videos won't have Google ads. This might not work for someone who is more familiar with Youtube and can predict this or someone who has a subscription).
I have a sign with these rules hanging in the room where I usually use my computer. Everyone can keep records of their own rules somewhere and do the same thing.
This may sound like a high call but if not for this it would have only been a matter of time until I would have discovered porn. I am grateful to Hashem that this never happened. I can't overstate how lucky I am.
A year later I got a Techloq filter which effectively blocked most of the pitfalls and I highly recommend this filter.
By the way, Google leans towards improper culture and it naturally shifts in that direction but over time Google learned something from my previous searches, which websites I went into and what I did there. It still tries to push in the wrong direction but only slightly. What it needs is consistency and insisting on what I am willing to go into. Today I have a lot of control over Google. I don't think this could have been accomplished without a Techloq filter.
I have my own challenges but I can't teach much to people who were exposed to porn or have real addictions. I am humbled by their courage and I have a lot to learn from them.