The past couple of days have been a real rollercoaster for me.
I’ve been dating for a year now and although I’ve been redd Shidduchim and went out I never really felt that this one was right…until last week. After doing my research I went out on the first date a wad or nerves (the usual first date nerves plus the fact that it was a Covid-era date in someone’s backyard). It went really well. I floated home. For the first time I actually felt that this was the right girl for me. We had the same interests and had no trouble filling a few hours with pleasant conversation. The quick ‘yes’ I got from the Shadchan that night for a second date only solidified my feelings that this one was ‘right’. Of course the days between the first date and the second date I was a mess of nerves, could barely eat anything and had trouble falling asleep but I knew that it was normal and hopefully would pass. The second date came and started off nicely with good conversation and a little board game. All in all it went okay but kind of fizzled out at the end. I attributed it to trying to date outside on an unseasonably cold May afternoon. I wanted to give it another try but the Shadchan said she didn’t think it was shayach. I level 100% with you I really thought this one was it. I know it sounds crazy because we only went out twice but after the dates I’ve had this past year this one went so well.
That was Sunday. Monday I was drowning in depression. I didn’t want to do anything. Learn, read, talk, nothing. The thing is, even though I’ve been struggling with watching and acting out, in the days leading up to the first date and between the first and second date I had absolutely no urges (around 2 weeks), the thought didn’t even cross my mind to act out. I knew with the depression I was feeling it was only a matter of time until my brain started urging me to escape but I still didn’t have an urge, didn’t think I would get one, my emotional compass was so out of whack. And then it started…
I reached out to some chashuve GYE members and had long talks with them. Ultimately I gave in and watched and acted out. After that I threw in the towel and watched again with acting out a few hours later.
I guess what I hope my goal here is, is to have a place to let those feelings out as they are happening, the apprehension, the excitement, and the disappointment. I know everyone experiences this in some form or another so hopefully by all getting it out and commiserating and supporting each other we can give each other chizuk and keep from falls.
For me? After all this I am keeping my head up. I have to meet with the Shadchan…time to move on.