I agree with you 100%. However, the reason why I am deciding to go about it differently than you lies within my very use of GYE as a whole. I also thought for many years, and still do think, that loneliness, boredom and a lack of friends as a child, were the main reasons that lust took a stronghold within me. Up until I discovered GYE about two months ago, I also was planning on starting shidduchim with the same attitude as you. I still do not see why I would have done any differently had I not discovered GYE. However, as a result of GYE, I have been afforded the opportunity to mitigate those concerns (the "confidence" that we previously spoke about) and therefore I have decided to do so. The reason why I would no longer revert to the previous method with which I was planning on using (your method) is because I was never aware of this (full recovery prior to marriage) being a possibility and I reasoned that I eventually would not have a lust relationship if what is causing me to lust is no longer a problem as a result of companionship. Now that I do not have to place my bets on that, I am no longer willing to do so if I can't fix the problem. The reasoning is simple. If I can't fix, or at least partially mitigate, the problem by using group companionship (GYE) as a whole, there seems to be a lesser chance that by getting married, companionship will do the job. In short, this website and my use of it, is a way for me to test if your method (and mine too, prior to my discovery of GYE) is true and if it isn't than to go about it the way I am doing it now.
Rising Up