Yosef Hatzadik wrote on 21 Jul 2011 15:25:
Stuart wrote on 21 Jul 2011 15:22:
Maybe your giving too much reliance on Dov. I know their names are similar but Dov and God are not the same.
They are both a
Higher Power....
(i.e. a power greater than myself!
Stuart knows me better than you do, YosefhaTzaddik, trust me. So believe him.
Besides, I can't be a power greater than anyone here, simply because I cannot keep
myself sober. So how could I possibly keep anyone else sober? Now, my G-d....there you can have a Power Greater than oneself. Choose my G-d, if you want to. It takes nothing away from me.
My G-d is everywhere, so He knows it all; He
made everything, so He can
do anything that needs to get done for me or anyone; He needs nothing, so it makes no sense at all that I have ever
hurt Him - therefore there is no need for Him to ever truly
hate me; He is permanent, so He has lots of patience - time doesn't even
matter to Him; He created all beauty and sweetness, so I do not really
need the sweetness of women's body parts and porn, for He
made it all and must have it all in Himself...and a few other things. He is really nifty, you know, pardon the figure of speech.
It makes a lot more sense talking about my G-d in this way than by just saying "Hashem". Especially since Hashem is also the One who we fear has maybe hated us all along, who we feel has shortchanged us for so long, who we feel makes us guilty and bad by all His desires and rules that just do not seem to work for us.
Please. 'Getting frum' cannot
possibly be the first priority for recovering addicts. It
needs to come second. Derech eretz kodmah laTorah. First comes being a mentch. Hashem is for
mentchen! Flipflops and liars just have no foothold in his company.
Sure, He lets us in - otherwise how did the first addict ever get sober to begin with?! But the honesty and openness has to flow if we are to
use Him. And Hashem wants to be used. That's what it means when we say v'Dodi li. He is for us! He wants us to be for Him, and Him to be 'for us'.
And that comes before being frum, as all the addicts in the world have discovered in AA, SA, NA, etc...
Rabim mach'ovim larosho - v'haboteyach baShem, Chessed yisovevenhu.
Afilu Rosho uboteyach baShem - Chessed yisovevenhu, Chaza"l say.
That is how we start recovery, I think. And it naturally leads to a good relationship with Hashem and a full, beautiful yiddishkeit. That may take some time for some and the ride may have bumps. But what is real G-d for? No bumps? Only in the midbar did He remove all the bumps for us - and we did not do very well there! Maybe we need more bumps?