This is crazy.
What is the connection between chizzuk for an avaryan not to give in to yi'ush, and the acceptance of being a loser to lust?
The one who gives in to the truth has no reason to despair. Hashem's chosem is Truth. He loves it. We find Hashem in Truth, not in falsehood, no matter how well-intentioned it may be. If I am a failure at using lust successfully (that is, without doing an aveiro and without getting in any other kind of trouble), then I am a loser at lusting, period.
That's bad to admit? Who says?
The chickens who say that it is terrible, just do not know the power in the human spirit has for self-preservation (my mother told me she only discovered it herself, in Aushwitz) and they also do not know how powerful and real Hashem is.
I am not a Breslover. But I doubt Rebbe Nachman would have put his hand on my shoulder 15 years ago and said to me, "Sweet tayereh Doiveleh. Don't give up! Keep on your struggle (of course, keep it secret from your wife, we wouldn;t want to upset the apple cart, you know. Your s'dorim might suffer if you told her and she kicked you out of the house, and it would destroy your Sholom Bayis, which, after all, brings the Sh'chinah in your home! So keep lying and betraying your wife. Do it for the Sh'chinah!
I know you feel like Hashem hates you because you fall sometimes. But I want you to stay right where you are and keep struggling, for every time you don't visit the massage parlor and don't make a dirty phone call and don't masturbate, is so, so, precious to Hashem and such a beautiful thing! Stay sitting in your excrement for the sake of the Sh'chinah!
Nu. So you give in to each of those things and lie to your wife, parents, and klal Yisroel and everybody else about who you really are. You even lie to the hookers about who you really are the other way, trying not to make a chillul Hashem. That's so precious! Don't you dare to change this!
You keep acting out like an animal every week or so, and are slowly getting worse and worse. So? You are worried about where this is leading you and afraid of what it is doing to your self-respect as a Yid. So? Don't you see your tremendous gayvoh at work again? Why expect better for yourself? Be mevatel your aspirations to Hashem! Now that's avodah!
You are lying and see that you are out of control as a husband, a father, and a man. You feel you lack a tzelem Elokim already. Don't give it to that! It's not that bad!! Ein yi'ush klal! Keep your attitude that you "will definitely quit next time!" Trust in Hashem to take away the nisayon from you next time, as you always have. What - don't you have emunah that He can do it?"
Yi'ush is the greatest mitzvah in the world, and the greatest middah - when it is used ON the acting out. When it is used ON the lies we tell ourselves that we can use lust and still keep it under the control of our sechel. The insanity needs complete yi'ush. Only this way can we ever have no hope at all in our false gods, our loves, and our twisted brains. There is no other way I know for an addict.
True, if you are a normal yid with a YH for porn, none of this applies to you. You need to keep fighting with all your strength to stay on the high road. Every time you fall must be a lesson of what NOT to do next time.
But if you see it has become a habit for you that ultimately, eventually always wins and gains control of your life....that you keep trying to use it and control it - though you really do not have control in the end anyhow and keep using it though other valuable areas of your life are being sacrificed to it...then you are probably an addict.
Give up completely, drop the gayvoh, and shame. Ask Hashem to help you drop it like the hot potato it is. And realize that there is no way you can make it in this fight, at all. Give all the credit to Hashem, and prove that you are not ashamed and really believe that you are ill. The only way to do that is to openly share the truth about yourself with others (who are safe). A diabetic does not have so much shame - he asks for help and admits his disease to to those who might be able to help him out.
The destruction we cause ourselves, our wives, our families, and klal Yisroel while we tarry and trust in false bitachon and false pride of false 'kavod haSh'chinah' and false 'Shalom Bayis' is tragic. The damage builds up, and the betrayal is not fair at all.
Yi'ush of lies, is good.
Hashem yishmereinu mishgiyos, and may no one be hurt by applying this wrongly. Amen.