laagvokeles wrote on 22 Dec 2010 20:19:
thank you bardichev, and you are helping me even if i didnt yet drop the internet...
u r a jew: you see i desagree with you because i dont call it adiction, i call it taaves that it, period. (maybe ppl who loose jobs cause of 3 min porn they can call it adiction i dont know i am not psicologist)
adiction in my eyes is only when even its not good you cant stop it, and its something you developed on your own for example smoking, that its not good for anybody, only for the one who got used to it, its only good for the adicted one
Forget about issur v'heter of porn. You are (I think) supposed to be learning in Kollel. Whether or not you are getting paid for it, that is what you are holding yourself out to the world to be doing. But you are not doing that. You are living a lie. And the reason you are living that lie is because you can't stop it.
You are also a father and husband with certain obligations. You are neglecting those obligations since no sane person can turn off the porn and just magically engross himself in porn one minute and become a normal husband and father a next. So you are depriving those close to you of the responsibilites that you owe them whether or not you are jewish. And the reason why is because you can't stop it.
So it doesn't matter whether the lie you are lving is porn, smoking or throwing your keys up in the air. If that "thing" that you are doing is causing you to live a "lie" then I would think you are addicted to it. But obviously people can disagree on this one.