aryehtahor wrote on 11 Nov 2010 15:35:
when the idea pops into my head, it becomes an obsession and even if I delay it, I can't seem to make it go away.
Aryeh, it's so impressive to hear how you've cut off the relationship with the non-Jewish woman, and how you've been mostly clean for the last 3 months. But to stop after 10 minutes - that's even more impressive! An addict can't stop. We can't stop. It's not possible. Only Hashem can stop us.
When the obsession strikes, we have no hope unless we admit we can't win - and simply give over the struggle to Hashem. Kovei Hashem Yachalifu Koach. Literally, "switch strengths" with Hashem.
You are far more beloved to Hashem than you can even begin to imagine. He is crazy about you.