Dear Chevra,
I feel it's overdue for me to return to the forum after a long period of absence. For a recap, I am a 25 year old college student struggling with viewing internet porn and, quite recently, relations with a non-Jewish ex-girlfriend from before I was frum. B''H I have been able to cut off contact with said woman, which is something I tried hard to do for months and fell often, leading to actual relations with her. I now haven't seen her in a couple months, and have not responded to a few of her attempts to contact me. Also, B''H due to a new living situation and WebChaver on my laptop (which is REALLY effective and worth the negligible $3.95 per month), I have stayed away from internet porn...mostly. I also haven't masturbated in about 3 months.
So I've seen some success in this area lately.
The fact that I haven't been lusting when I walk around, or when I'm going to sleep, is not the result of doing the steps (I haven't), or studying Mussar (I haven't) or battling the Yetzer Hara head on (I haven't) or any of the other methods advised by this site. In fact, I've dropped off on a lot of mitzvos I used to do when I was struggling a lot more with the addiction. My relationship with Hashem has suffered, and when I do happen to be in shul and everyone else is davening, I can't bring myself to do it because it feels so disingenuous. I can't face Hashem, and somehow I think He won't notice me if I don't speak to Him, which is what I want because if He does notice me, He'll Judge me, and that would be embarrassing. And anyway, the voice in my head says, "You haven't davened all week, and now you find yourself in shul and you think you can suddenly start muttering words that you don't mean and Hashem will appreciate that?"
I've found my problems in the area of sexual addiction have come and gone in cycles. But since I know there are no shortcuts, it's pretty logical to assume that since I haven't done any work on this front, the addiction will resurface in a matter of time...But I'm not sure how to fight this addiction pre-emptively when I'm not actively experiencing it.
When I do occasionally have a problem, such as on Motzei Shabbos when I have free time and feel drawn to do something exciting. I don't even feel compelled by lust, more just for the desire for something fun that will give me a rush. Since I slept through Shabbos (more or less) I'll be up late and it's going to be tough to stay away tonight...
I also want to start posting again on the forum, especially on other people's threads. Since I'm pretty alone in my current matzav, this place is kind of a lifeline for me, and dropping off is usually pure yetzer hara. It already feels good to get connected again.