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Hello from Blind Beggar
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Re: Hello from Blind Beggar 23 Feb 2011 22:14 #98296

  • kedusha
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dov wrote on 23 Feb 2011 22:06:

Dear "Blind Beggar",

Exactly what is your question? After the PM, I still have not found your actual question yet...can you please clarify what it is?




He seems to be referring to reply #54.  See my response.
Just as an alcoholic needs to avoid that first sip, a lust addict needs to avoid that first slip.Slip today? No way! ;)Fall today? No way, Jose'!
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Re: Hello from Blind Beggar 23 Feb 2011 22:27 #98300

  • me3
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To be or not to be......
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Re: Hello from Blind Beggar 23 Feb 2011 23:16 #98306

  • Dov
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Blind Beggar wrote on 23 Feb 2011 11:00:

The defense would like to point out that I have been giving myself pleasure and excitement from m*****n since before I knew the difference between a girl and a boy and before I had any bechira at all. My neurons have been hard wired for lust without any informed choice on my part.

The accusing-angel would like to point to the times that I used my free-choice not to lust and to the THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of times that I have chosen to look and think and touch even when I knew it was wrong.

The lady (7Up) and gentlemen of the jury are asked to decide who is right.( I think they are both right and that I am a victim and a rosho.)

Pardon my french:

Who the hell cares which one it is? So you are going to gehinnom after this trip is over...so what? Rabban Yochannan ben Zakai (or was it Rabbee Eliezer Hagadol?) didn't know whether he was going to gan Eden or gehinnom, either! When do you think he first became aware of the gehinnom-option? That day? No way. He lived every day with it. But he made quite the best out of this life, no? So can you, even if you are going there, buddy.

Al titzdak harbei, v'al tirsha harbei.... Lo sa'aleh b'ma'alos al mizb'chi is also for the way down! It's none of our business, period what madreiga we are on. At least for an addict, that is no longer germain to avodas Hashem - avodas haChayim. It's about being busy making peace with His Will for me today (my life) and with trying to be useful in everything. That's it. No romance with glory and righteousness for us. AA says we are like men who have lost their legs - they will not grow back. Some luxuries we just cannot partake of - though they may be OK for normals. I think this is one of them, frankly.

For me, taking the luxury of giving a second of thought to the entire issue of guilt vs. 'good'ness is nothing but a distraction from what I am on this planet to do. So G-d sees you or me as a rosho - who the hell cares? (pardon my french again) Exactly what does it matter? That is, He doesn't drop you for it. He continues to help. Look at me and all the other horribly sick drunks (yidden and lh' goyim all over the world) who did terrible things to themselves and others for years and years - and yet they are sober today! They will tell you that Hashem makes it possible for them and that they are loving partners with Him....when did that happen to them? Weren't they reshoim and tomei b'chol minei tum'ah? Wasn't Hashem distancing Himself from them all along? I think not, brother. I think not.

The holy Ba'al Shem Tov taught that Hashem loves a rosho more than we could ever love a tzaddik. Reb Yisroel Salanter (actually it's a Chaza"l he explains) taught that even a rosho (and they meant a rosho) who has trust in Hashem will be surrounded by His Chessed (that means His love, by the way). Is Hashem's love imaginary? Is it just 'technical'? I think not. It means help, protection, the works. When He does it, He does it 'right'.

So, will you be held accountable for your bechirah? Not your business, I say. Sorry. I'd rather ask "which step are you on right now and are you writing on it, or just thinking about it?" Heck - I'd rather ask almost anything than a question that is G-d's business!

Have a great and restful night, chaver. Take the weight of the world off your little shoulders and give Him all your stuff. He knows just what to do with you in this world and in the hereafter and will give you the best deal, don't worry at all.
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
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Re: Hello from Blind Beggar 23 Feb 2011 23:28 #98310

  • me3
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Just what I thought, he doesn't know the answer.
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Re: Hello from Blind Beggar 23 Feb 2011 23:56 #98312

  • Dov
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Go jump in a mikvah, Me3.

And push the Ragemeister in, too.

"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
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Re: Hello from Blind Beggar 24 Feb 2011 07:51 #98369

  • Sturggle
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or are you just asking if you deserve to rot in hell or not?
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Re: Hello from Blind Beggar 24 Feb 2011 14:40 #98384

  • me3
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dov wrote on 23 Feb 2011 23:56:

Go jump in a mikvah, Me3.

And push the Ragemeister in, too.


No way, last time I went I almost broke my neck, I slipped an a bar of soap somebody left in middle of the floor......Hey! Wait one second!!!!!!
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Re: Hello from Blind Beggar 24 Feb 2011 17:41 #98420

  • Dov
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I humbly agree.

Is it really a lake?

But what happened to our buddy with the shaylos?
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
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Re: Hello from Blind Beggar 24 Feb 2011 17:43 #98421

  • me3
  • Current streak: 97 days
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No Rage it wasn't your soap it even had the guy's name on it, Dov(e) or something like that.
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Re: Hello from Blind Beggar 24 Feb 2011 22:45 #98497

  • Blind Beggar
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Not a sexaholic, just trying to be good.
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Dov, je vous remercie beaucoup pour votre r?ponse sage dans un fran?ais parfait. Bravo!
I am going to my first SA meeting tomorrow, im yirtze Hashem, to look to the future one day at a time.
Thank you everyone for your answers.
Good Shabbos,

The Blind Beggar is a character in Rebbe Nachman's story of the Seven Beggars.
If I view a woman as an object, I am powerless over lust, but I don't have to look.
I can guard my eyes.
I want to guard my eyes.
I do guard my eyes.
Why do I say these four lines?
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Re: Hello from Blind Beggar 24 Feb 2011 22:59 #98500

  • ZemirosShabbos
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i wish you much much hatzlacha with that
kudos to you on taking a large step like that to help yourself
pat yourself on the back
Sometimes life is like tuna with not enough mayonaise
~Inna beshem ZS

Give, Forgive

The reason I'm acting as if I'm pregnant, is because I'm expecting. I should be accepting.
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Re: Hello from Blind Beggar 25 Feb 2011 01:22 #98516

  • 1daat
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Hey BB, What a huuge step!  I am so happy for you.  I am so proud to "know" you.

Mazel tov.  You just keep on, no matter what. Like I said in the pm, you are such an inspiration to all of us.
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Re: Hello from Blind Beggar 25 Feb 2011 01:55 #98518

  • bardichev
Stop splashing boys

I'm trying to meditate the kavanos ari
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Re: Hello from Blind Beggar 25 Feb 2011 02:38 #98532

  • Dov
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You know ari, too?! He was a camper with me at Camp Morasha in 1972 and 12 years later he was a counselor with me in Mogen Av! We're like soul-mates!

....and you know this guy, too?

"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
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Re: Hello from Blind Beggar 25 Feb 2011 07:59 #98551

  • Blind Beggar
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Not a sexaholic, just trying to be good.
  • Posts: 780
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Step 5 of the 12 Steps says, "We admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs." What does the Torah say about this?
In the first years that Rebbi Nachman was a rebbe he would have his chassidim confess their sins while he sat facing away from them.
Today 21st Adar, is the yahrzeit of the Rebbe Reb Elimelech ben Eliezer Lipman of Lizensk. In the Tzetl Koton #13 he says to speak out our lustful thoughts to our rebbe or friend and if we do it breaks the power of the yetzer hora.
If a friend is not available, in Breslov they advise speaking out your thoughts to Hashem in order to break their power. Try it, it works.
The Blind Beggar is a character in Rebbe Nachman's story of the Seven Beggars.
If I view a woman as an object, I am powerless over lust, but I don't have to look.
I can guard my eyes.
I want to guard my eyes.
I do guard my eyes.
Why do I say these four lines?
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