Boruch Haboh!
Welcome to our family!
What works for me in that situation is not only davening for that other person but recognising that its possible that Hashem placed this in front of me so that I could pray for them.
The 2 basic ideas that work for m in that situation are ,
1. Recognising that I have lost it completely and only hashem can help me now I must give myself to him 100 percent.
2. I focus on helping other people either in their struggles with addiction or in any way possible, I just need to get rid of my crazy ego.
3. Getting on to Gye and telling people or my mentor how I feel, and trying to be empathetic with others in their struggles.
For me I must focus on doing it 100 percent for the other person and to give my life 100 percent into hashems hands.
Whats sort of crazy is that my impetus is self centered since I know that if I don't do so I will get pulled down myself completely and eventually harm other people and myself ....
(To insanity and beyond)
Yet I have to focus completely on the other person and Hashem, I guess for me things don't have to make sense if they work. ;D
excuse me for my rambling
If these tools don't work maybe you can be involved in sa slaa etc, they have success for alot of people and their system truly works. Trust me most of my ideas are from them ;D
Never feel to embarrassed etc to post here, we never judge and whenever you are willing we are hear to offer our experience strength and most important hope with you!