It can take some time until they find an appropriate partner. Until then, it would be worthwhile to reach out to a mentor and to continue posting. It would be worthwhile to reach out to eerie, and Hashem Help Me at who is the main mentor. They have helped many people and yo won't regret reaching out to them.
Many of us struggled for years before joining GYE and felt that we will never break free, myself included, but many of us have broken free and today we are free men. My situation is different than yours because I am married and separated but I can tell you that I didn't need an outlet to break free. In addition, as many married people can testify being married didn't make the challenges easier for them and more often than not it made them harder. You are lucky to have joined GYE as a bachur. By the time you are engaged you will hopefully already be clean and you will be able to enter marriage with the proper mindset.
The feeling that it is impossible to be without an outlet and that you must act out or else something is going to go wrong is a false perception that comes from the Yetzer Hora. Eventually, you will be able to figure out what need you are trying to fill by acting out and then you can go to the toolbox and find healthy ways to fill that need. It would help to figure out what the situations, thoughts and emotions are that precede a fall and then find tools in the toolbox that you can use to address those cues so that you don't fall.
As you wrote, the F2F program and the book TBOTG are good for you. They will open up new horizons and help you reach your goals.