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TOPIC: Rock Bottom 1551 Views

Re: Rock Bottom 12 Dec 2024 12:47 #426975

  • yosefms
  • Current streak: 20 days
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Omain!! Thank you and I wish you continued hatzlocha in your own journey. 

I will check it out

Re: Rock Bottom 12 Dec 2024 13:46 #426978

  • odyossefchai
  • Current streak: 186 days
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yosefms wrote on 12 Dec 2024 12:47:
Omain!! Thank you and I wish you continued hatzlocha in your own journey. 

I will check it out

40 days+ 
And your story is painful too.
Yet you are finding tremendous strength to fight through the harder moments. 
The efforts you are putting in, is inspirational. A tremendous chizzuk to everyone else, to see what you went through and you are not giving up. You aren't telling yourself that you are stuck with this for life. We look up to you. 
May Hashem bless you on your journey to true freedom and happiness 
I didn't believe I could be clean
Until I actually got clean.
If I can do it, you can too!

845 445 9131

Re: Rock Bottom 30 Dec 2024 11:56 #428147

  • yosefms
  • Current streak: 20 days
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  • Posts: 74
  • Karma: 3
A lechtege Chanuka to all!!!

Boruch Hashem holding now by 60 clean days.  Chanuka so far has been very enjoyable especially as my frame of mind has changed so much.

I think a lot of chevra here will resonate with Yomim Tovim being stressful or anxious times because rather than being busy with the mitzvos, learning, enjoying yom tov with our families... we are only concerned with one thing.  HASHEM HELP ME NOT TO ACT OUT OVER YOM TOV.  Now for the first time in a long long time, I've enjoyed chanuka because I do not have this annoying, pestering, obsessive thought in my head anymore.  

and for this matona I would first like to give my Hakaras Hatov to Hashem Yisboruch for giving me the koach and daas to get to where I am.
To GYE for giving us all no matter where we are the opportunity and space to reach out to others for help and for me especially R' Eerie for all the time and care he has shown me.

I'd like to share a vort with everyone too whilst not directly related to our struggle can definitely be applied.  
Someone told a friend of mine that he struggles very much with waking up on time for davening, regularly misses zmanim for Krias Shema/Shmonei Esrei and minyonim in general.
He asked Rebbe Itche Meir Morgenstern for advice and chizzuk because it was really getting him down.  The Rebbe told him that in the first se'if of shulcah aruch orech chaim it says a person should wake up like a lion to do the ratzon Hashem.  He said lions sleep for 16 hours a day but donkeys sleep for only 3, surely we should emulate donkeys instead? But he said no, because once the lion is awake he knows he's the King of the animals.  So too if you wake up late, once you're up know that you are the king over yourself and daven with a bren  don't beat yourself up, now your up so daven azoi vi a yid.  So I say so too with our struggle.... sometimes we fall asleep spiritually R'L but once we are awake remember we are the king over ourselves.
Let's all help each other to stay awake.
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